Thursday, September 9, 2010

ease these bones

the class i thought i would have the least problems with i am struggling with the most. creative writing. i can do it. i can write creatively. but i don't feel like that is the purpose of the class, but the purpose is to play with the processes and techniques of other creative writers. i guess what i'm having trouble with is not mimicking the styles, but more or less accepting that the process of shadowing is creative. and the fact that being creative means wanting everyone in the room to hear how you construct your words seems a frail definition to me. my comrades surrounding me want to talk about how the poem makes them feel, the senses they felt. i have never felt a more private experience than to absorb the sensations of a piece of writing through your eyes, skin, mouth. as you merely read it. but everyone wants to compare their experiences and laugh about it. i guess if the english majors are supposed to want to talk about what helps them write, feel and read i shouldn't be an english major. i don't know. and they are so dramatic. does that make good writing? i'm so confused. i guess i'm dramatic too. but i don't want everyone to know i am, maybe that is the difference.
in reality, i could to school forever if i could.

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